Severe Entanglement in Hartlepool

The day after the disentanglement of a seal in Aberdeenshire, our medics were sent out to another, more severe entanglement case in Hartlepool on 7th March.

Upon arrival, our Middlesborough medics found a tiny seal pup with a severe neck entanglement. The pup was immediately taken to a local vet for assistance in removing the wire and some treatment. The pup only weighed 12.5kg and must have been in excruciating pain from the deep wound that had become infected. 😢

Fortunately, the seal has now taken up residence at Tynemouth Seal Rescue Unit, where our volunteers will care for the seal during rehabilitation and provide it with all the help it requires to recover.

Thank you to all of the medics involved in this rescue and to the volunteers at the rescue unit for providing such intensive care so this seal, now named ‘Polo’. 👏