Second entangled whale in Skye

Photo: Anthony Rigell.

At 0945 on Sunday 09 February BDMLR received a call about a possible entangled Humpback whale off the coast of Skye.

The Large Whale Disentanglement Team, which was out at sea training near Largs, was alerted. Once we received footage from a local drone operator confirming the entanglement, the team ceased training, recovered their boats, and mobilised.

Once the team is on site they will plan a rescue and attempt to free the whale. Thanks go to the local community for all of their offers of help.

We ask that all boats and members of the public keep away from the animal to minimise stress.


At 14.30, while en route to Skye, the Large Whale Disentanglement Team received information that the whale had been cut free by local fishermen.

We are delighted the whale is now free swimming. The LWDT is highly trained and experienced in these rescues and has access to specialist equipment. While this situation had a positive outcome we would always advise calling BDMLR to report an entanglement as things can and do go wrong.

Our sincere thanks to the local BDMLR Medics and drone operator as well as the local fish farm offering boats and support.