Successful refloatation of a Common Dolphin at South Gare

On Monday, 28th of November, BDMLR received a call from a member of the public alerting us to a common dolphin stranding in South Gare, Yorkshire. Our volunteer Marine Mammal Medics arrived on scene shortly after and started vital health checks for malnutrition, visible signs of trauma, breathing rate, and overall body condition. It was then determined that the adult male dolphin was in good physical condition and so after consulting our vet, the go-ahead was given to attempt a refloat. For additional safety cover, the coastguard was called and the local Redcar team offered assistance. Once in the water the dolphin responded well and was released after a few minutes. It then headed out to sea with no further sightings after a period of observation from the beach.

Marine Mammal medics ensuring the dolphin’s skin is kept wet.

Huge thanks go to our volunteer Medics, the Redcar coast guard, and members of the public for all their support.